It is a self-assessment tool developed by Alan Richter and Armida Mendez - Russell, at the beginning of 2000, to measure, so a hundred percent confidential, how to handle the differences. Designed as a development tool and not a test, the GDS is based on psicometrías which are broken down into 6 dimensions: I, Other(os), and the World / Head or Perception, Heart, or Inclusion and Hands or Adaptation (based on the model of the 3H, Robert Hayles & Armida Mendez-Russell, The Diversity Directive, 1997).
To understand the differences
Technical report, development of the application: Download Here
The GDS has been used in different sectors at the global level: organizations with for-profit and nonprofit, global and local, international agencies, educational institutions, governments, etc, In particular more than 10,000 users(as) have been applied to this instrument, both leaders as collaborators, in general, to improve their skills in diversity and inclusion.
Although the GDS is a self-assessment tool, it is important to consider that the minimum number of users(as) is 20 people per organization.
Also, and even if your application can be assessed independently and without follow-up, where more input delivery is in the framework of a workout. Each participant applied the self-assessment as part of a preparatory work, and then, in the company of our team, are working on a plan of action and commitments according to the results obtained on an individual basis and in line with the organizational objectives.
Another interesting attraction of the GDS is that it allows you to add information for a significant group within the organization, by delivering to the management of people, the possibility of creating development plans cross-sectional or specific, depending on the need. We also have the ability to adjust to the measurement categories of characterization, with the purpose of generating reports comparative.
It gives each person a name of user(a) and a key, along with the link of income. The application of the tool does not take more than 15 minutes, so that the system does not allow you to save your progress. Therefore, we recommend allocating at least a half without interruptions. Similarly, you can re-enter as many times as necessary until you manage to complete the survey.
Once you have completed the survey, each user(a) you must download (save) the document in pdf format, before closing the session. Once closed you cannot re-enter or retrieve their results.
In the report you will find the absolute results by dimension, the proposed strategies according to these results and the space to complete the action plan.
There is a minimum time defined, we have had experiences of 3, 6 to 1 year between applications. It will depend on the level of commitment of the people and also of the organization in the process of cultural transformation.
Debes ingresar a siguiente link e ingresar el usuario y contraseña que nuestro equipo Connecting D&I te entregará.
Para lo anterior, escríbenos a [email protected] para coordinar el servicio y recuerda que la aplicación de este instrumento es sobre las 20 personas.