The Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Benchmark of The Centre for Global Inclusion, it is designed to guide organizations in order to achieve to achieve the best practices of D&I.

The model, with its 15 categories, helps leaders and professionals from R&D to implement the strategies that work as an integrated system. It was designed by more than 100 experts around the world and has been consulted in more than 400 international organizations.
This Check List Diagnosis is an effort of Connecting D&I digitize all categories and questions defined in the Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Benchmark, but it does not represent a translation of the entire Guide developed by the Center. If you want to know the full Guide, you can go to and sign the agreement to download it.
In this way, and thanks to the consent and support of our primary ally in this matter, The Centre for Global Inclusion, organizations that wish to perform the Check List online Diagnostics, you will receive at an affordable cost, a Report in the form of a radar Chart, which will guide the state of their organizations in Diversity and Inclusion classifying the overall performance of the organization by category (15 in total), from 1 to 5, with level 1 to a management inactive in D&I and 5 when it can be considered a good practice.
To access the Check List Diagnosis, the information that you will receive in the form of a radar Chart, will be stored securely, confidentially and anonymously.
This will allow us to know and to share the reality of the organizations of our region, distinguishing industries and sizes; identify areas of improvement and common challenges; to define a route to support the achievement of the standards set forth; and to establish comparative studies with our international partners, in order to learn the characteristics of our Latin american reality.
If you are interested in getting involved with your organization, click here
The Global Diversity Equity & Inclusion Benchmark while it is a guide designed for organizations to implement autonomously, it is important that those who lead the application to have knowledge on these subjects, therefore, if you consider that both you and your team does not have the right skills developed to interpret the data and to maximize the information obtained, we offer three levels of specialized reports to support them in a better way in the development of their organizational strategies:

• Define the main lines of work.
• Allows you to project actions and define goals.

• Defined lines and detailed work, with specific proposals according to industry.
• Required to specify the means of verification.

• Complemented by in-depth interviews with the actors.
• Performs workshops of return
• Defined Strategy and organizational Goals.
If you are interested in learning more about this instrument or in applying it in your organization, please contact us

We design Surveys of Culture Organzacional with a focus on D&I especially created for its institutional reality, that allow your organization to have a feedback about the attitudes, behaviors and values that are promoting or constraining the development of a favorable environment for the D&I.
In collaboration with our allied international QED Consultingwe have translated and enabled in the Spanish version of the digital tool “Global Diversity Survey” (Survey of global diversity) which is applied by more than 10,000 users(as) and about 60 organizations worldwide.
This tool of self-discovery prepares people to navigate the diverse picture of the TWENTY-first century, on the basis of the well-known model H3 (nominated by the acronym in English: head, heart and hand). The information is presented in three categories: Perception (head), Inclusion (heart) and Adaptation (hands).
The “Survey of Global Diversity” or “GDS”, is a self-assessment tool that individuals complete to their own development and the results don confidential.
The strategies described in this tool are intended to build and manage effective working relationships, a product of deep reflection and are not intended to prescribe or illustrate a singular focus.
The management of results can be done individually or as a collective, that is to say, applied to a group of people of an area or to a specific charge, with the purpose of generating action plans collaborative.
Para más información del instrumento y su aplicación, mira la sección Preguntas Frecuentes
5.Check list NCh3262: Gender Equality and Reconciliation
This digital tool was designed with the aim of supporting those organizations that wish to implement the Chilean Norm of Gender Equality and work-life balance Work, Family and Personal NCh 3262.
This tool will type Check list, allows to identify the advance to the date of such organization with regard to the dimensions and objectives that prompted the norm NCh 3262, through a set of questions and verifiers simple.
As a return, the organization will know the category of progress (incipient, active, advanced and ad-portas) and the effort estimated to spend in the implementation of the entire process measured in hours, and human resources. In addition, it includes a set of specific suggestions for better management.