Technology has allowed us to connect
¿Pero hemos realmente conectado?

When we talk about Diversity and Inclusion in times of crisis, we refer to both how people from his own reality can continue to contribute to the growth and development of the organization to which it belongs, but above all how the organization and who the lead allow this to really happen, acogiéndolas and providing them with the process, as well as strengthening the sense of commitment and belonging to overcome the crisis.
Organizations are composed of people with different personalities, values, experiences, and realities, therefore, today, more than ever, and the leaders have been challenged to be people more creative and more compassionate than before, two of the four attributes that Alan Richter – writer, professor, and Doctor of Philosophy, with 30 years of experience in R&D, Leadership, and Ethics - defined as essential in leaders. New ways to solve the current problems that we have the social distance and be able to understand and empathise with the personal and family situation of the people who work for the organizations, it is essential.

All the experts in D&I, with whom we've had a chance to talk, agree that indeed we find ourselves in a situation hardly comparable to any other that we have lived. We have overcome various crises in our history as humanity, and although more than 100 years ago, we had a pandemic similar, today, technology has made everything very different, has allowed us to connect But do we really connected?
Issues such as the access to the internet and the mental health conditions are part of day-to-day. How can we ensure that people can reamente to work from home? do you have the basic conditions? According to data from the report “How COVID-19 is changing the world: a statistical perspective” of the International Telecommunication Union of the United Nations, 2019, 57% of the population had access to the internet and 49.7% had a computer in his homea major challenge for governments and companies to this new mode of work and daily life in which we must maintain social distance, but can still be in any way productive people. The greater the challenge in developing countries where these percentages are lower.
In Chile although we have a coverage higher than the global average, 44% of the population does not have a fixed network (Ninth Survey of Accesses and Uses of the Internet is implemented by the SUBTEL, 2017), suggesting also a challenge with regard to the minimum conditions of work who has not cut off the internet in meetings or have spent all your data on the phone to connect on other platforms?
With respect to mental health Are the firms that are trained to identify and support people who are more prone to depression and anxiety? Recently the Secretary-General of the United Nations asked to take action on this issue, he stressed that the people most at risk today are the health workers who work on the front line, the elderly, adolescents and young people, people with mental health conditions pre-existing and those that are trapped in conflict and crisis. Dévora Kestel -director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance use WHO pointed out that during the past economic crises increased the number of people with mental health problems, leading to increased rates of suicide." It is therefore relevant also direct our efforts to deliver this support to the code, before it's too late.
The organizations, especially large enterprises, they have managed to watch the above in a sustainable way will be those who will endure and to lead the business to national and global level.
We invite you to review the interview!